Category Archives: Bluto

Alabama back on party school list

A year after dropping off the party radar, the University of Alabama is back on the scene. The Princeton Review put the Tuscaloosa campus back on its list of the top party schools.

According to the rankings released Monday, Alabama is the No. 13 school in the nation when it comes to partying.

Georgia tops the list that includes four SEC schools in the top 20. Last year Alabama slipped out of the rankings after landing at No. 19 the year before.

For the record, these rankings are highly unscientific and largely dismissed by university presidents and anyone else trying to protect the wholesome image of their institutions.

But for the rest of us, they’re just plain fun. So enjoy. Here is the complete listing:

1. University of Georgia
2. Ohio University
3. Penn State University
4. West Virginia University
5. Ole Miss
6. University of Texas
7. University of Florida.
8. University of California-Santa Barbara
9. University of Iowa
10. DePauw University
11. Florida State University
12. University of Wisconsin
13. University of Alabama
14 Sewanee – The University of the South
15. Indiana University – Bloominton
16. University of Colorado – Boulder
17. University of Missouri
18. University of Illinois
19. University of Maryland
20. Michigan State University